
I have a BA in Communication with a minor in English.

I have two coaching certifications with Lumia Coaching (formerly JRNI) and Virtual Coach.

I've studied with Martha Beck, Maston Kipp, Sacha Lalla, Eben Pagan, Annie Lalla, Noelle Cordeaux, John Kim, Heather Morgan, and other amazing people in the coaching world.

I've been learning how people tick most of my life. I've lost track of the books I've read, the conferences, workshops, and retreats I've attended, the videos I've watched, the podcasts I've listened to, the countless hours of conversations with wise mentors, teachers, therapists, coaches, family, and friends...

I've lived long enough to realize I know a thing or two about a thing or two. I also know I'll be in Student Mode for the rest of my life.

I'm endlessly curious about myself, others, and life's big mysteries. Coaching allows me to put that curiosity to good use, asking you the right questions to help you figure out your next steps.