What is Coaching?

There is an important difference between coaching, consulting, and therapy.

A consultant tells you what to do and in some ways, does the work for you.

A coach does not do the work for you.

As a client, you come to me with your issues and goals. I provide support and accountability for you to achieve your desired results. I'll ask questions to help you clarify what's going on and make suggestions for small steps you can take. Ultimately, the work and results are up to you.

I'm here to listen, commiserate, and cheer you on. You've made it this far in your life without me. I'd be honored to walk alongside you for a while.

Coaching isn't therapy either. While it may be important to discuss your past at times, any significant issues of trauma, loss, or mental health are best served by seeing a licensed therapist. Many people work with both a therapist and a coach simultaneously (including me!).

I've been through extensive training and continue to learn how to be a better coach. I begin by getting to know my clients. I help them understand their personality and go deeper into who they are: their character traits, strengths, and weaknesses. 

What works for one client may not work for another. I tailor my questions and guidance to the individual. Each client has different goals and needs, so I base our sessions around them, not around a specific process or methodology.

Who Can Benefit?

Are you in the midst of a major transition?

Changing jobs | Starting a new career | Retirement

Moving | Facing an empty nest | Starting or ending a relationship/marriage

Navigating perimenopause and menopause | Becoming a caregiver to children or aging parents

Are you walking through grief?

Changes in relationships

Death of close family/friends

Loss of a beloved pet

Loss of your own “youth”

Are you highly sensitive?





Are you re-evaluating your belief systems?

Cultural beliefs

Beliefs from your family of origin

Religious beliefs

Do you feel unseen?

Being neurodivergent (including ADHD & autism)

Dealing with chronic illness while looking “fine” on the outside.

Are you embracing different sides of yourself?

Good girl vs grown-ass woman

No longer hiding your true self

Establishing boundaries and ending people-pleasing tendencies

Are you simply exhausted?

Fatigued by a world in crisis

Facing too many demands with no replenishment

Worn out deep in your soul


I can help you navigate all of these challenges and more!

Working with Lisa is a gift, both because she is kind and nurturing, but also because she is wise. She gave me encouragement and personalized feedback in a way that encouraged my growth. I appreciated the “homework” she assigned that would usually start with, “This week I’d like you to experiment with trying this…” and she’d give a gentle push in some area we’d been talking about. The suggestions were practical, manageable, and helpful. Since our sessions together, I have noticed positive changes to my habits and thought patterns.

-Elisa V., Massachusetts

Working with Lisa offered experiences and insights I didn’t know to expect or hope for. The opportunity to enter into group coaching with three dear friends provided a safe place to explore and dig deeper into topics led by Lisa’s insightful guidance. Lisa created a framework and structure to our sessions, sharing resources, techniques and questions. I left each session with action steps and accountability to support my own growth. Due to the group nature of our sessions, Lisa still individualized the experience but her framework allowed us to become an even deeper community of friends.

I can’t recommend Lisa’s services highly enough…she is a coach and a guide in the truest sense.

-Christine G., Oregon