I grew up in the Midwest and was raised to be a hard worker and "make something of myself." Life had other plans. It's only in midlife that I'm truly finding myself. 

I stopped working full-time many years ago because of significant chronic health issues. My life became small. I had no career, no children, just a calendar full of health-related appointments. Showering, taking care of the cats, and doing laundry were sometimes my big accomplishments of the day. My 30s and 40s went by in a blur. 

I looked at myself and thought: This isn't what I hoped my life would be.

I addressed this from all angles – physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual – because I wanted to feel better and rejoin the world. But I also needed to believe that one day, a greater reason for these struggles would be revealed to me.  

Over time, that reason became clear: I want to help others whose lives are going “off the rails” and out of their control, in directions unknown and unplanned for. I want people to know it's never too late to start over. I'm living proof. 

Lisa McNees, life coach at Lisa McNees Coaching

I get what it's like to feel lost, unsure of what to do next. I know all about massive transitions--ones we choose (like moving across the country, getting married, going back to school later in life, and starting a business) and ones we didn't choose (such as having our health fall apart, financial difficulties, natural disasters, and the death of loved ones).

I'm super curious, intuitive, and love asking questions. I’m a compassionate listener. I see the small details as well as the big picture. I’m neurodivergent (AuDHD—I’m autistic and have ADHD). I was diagnosed later in life and understand those challenges.

I help my clients know they're not alone. I'm sometimes the only person they open up to, because they don't want to "burden" others or fear being judged and misunderstood. I don't take that lightly. 

One of my coaching mentors helped me identify my top two emotional needs: Safety and Feeling Seen/Understood. I believe those needs are tied to my purpose and work as a coach. 

My message to my clients is: You're safe with me. I'll do my best to understand you and make you feel seen. Yes, I will gently challenge you at times. We will approach our work at your pace, and never overload your nervous system, because that would be counterintuitive to your progress. 

I'll never urge you to "hurry up" or "get over it" or "just reach your dang goals already!" If you need someone like that, I'm probably not the coach for you. But I will give you practical steps to take. 

I'll offer an objective look at your situation. And, when needed, I'll be your guide, going a few steps ahead and lighting the way. 

Above all else, I’m here for you. You can talk to me and you can trust me. I strive to be accessible, non-judgmental, and open-minded. One of my coaching mentors always says, "My heart is at your service." That's my motto too.

Click here for more about my credentials.