Privacy Policy

Introduction and Summary

We want to make it easy for you to understand what information we collect from you, what we do with it, and how you can request access to this information. 

We believe this is a best practice to maintain transparency and trust with our website visitors and clients, and it just so happens that this complies with the laws of many countries around the world, too. You can contact us at if you have questions about this policy.

We collect as little information from you as possible for a specific and identifiable purpose, and then we commit to using this information only in the way we have specified. When you visit this site, you are agreeing to this Privacy Policy, the collection of information identified in this policy, and you always have the ability to opt-out. 

What Personal Information We Collect and When

We collect information from you directly and indirectly through third-party services, as follows:

When you contact us...

  • With questions or comments in the contact form.

  • To request more information or schedule a discovery call.

When we contact others...

  • We may see certain personal information from third-party apps and services that allow us to monitor website traffic, email conversion, and other analytics data. 

  • We may see your personal information when we work with third-party processors, like our email provider and web host. For EU residents, please note that this means we may transmit your data across international borders. 

Your Privacy Controls

You can configure your system to delete cookies or disable them. 

Cookies are small text files placed on your computer to collect information about the pages you view and your activities on the site. They enable the site to recognize you by, for example, remembering your user name, offering a shopping cart, or keeping track of your preferences if you visit the site again. The cookie transmits this information back to the website's computer (or server) which generally is the only computer that can read it. You can set your Web browser to warn you about attempts to place cookies on your computer or to limit the type of cookies you allow. See also more information on how to change cookies settings in popular desktop browsers

  • This site uses single-session cookies to enhance the visitor experience. Use the link above to opt-out. 

  • This site does not sell or share its email list for use by third parties. 

If you choose to opt-out of some or all of our data collection, you may not be able to access all features of this website or our services. 

Keeping Your Information Secure

We only store personal information with third parties that use industry-standard practices for data security. 

Your Rights to Your Information

You own your personal information and have rights to it. For example, you have the rights to: 

Request a copy of the information we have about you; 

Be forgotten (that is, have your data deleted and/or ask us to stop using your information for any purpose); 

Correct inaccurate information we have about you (and that means we will notify other service providers we use, and who hold your personal information for us, of those changes as well);

- Make complaints about the use of your data to regulatory authorities. 

We will comply with these requests within 30 days. 


We make commercially reasonable efforts to work with data controllers who guarantee compliance with privacy laws like the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation. 

We store your personal information only for as long as it is needed to use it for the reasons you have consented to. 

Occasionally we will revise this policy and will use your contact information to notify you of these changes if they reduce your privacy rights in any way. 

Contact us 

For more information about our privacy practices, if you have questions, or if you would like to exercise your data protection rights, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Email us: