16. Living Out “In Sickness and In Health” with Wes and Brittany Burian Apr 16 Written By Lisa McNees Richards I sit down with Wes and Brittany Burian and explore the ebbs and flows of their life together, from their optimistic early days together to the trials of navigating Wes's diagnosis of Fabry disease. They bring to light the struggles and revelations that come with managing a rare genetic condition. Hear how they grapple with the physical limitations and the hereditary implications that affect their family dynamics. Lisa McNees Richards
16. Living Out “In Sickness and In Health” with Wes and Brittany Burian Apr 16 Written By Lisa McNees Richards I sit down with Wes and Brittany Burian and explore the ebbs and flows of their life together, from their optimistic early days together to the trials of navigating Wes's diagnosis of Fabry disease. They bring to light the struggles and revelations that come with managing a rare genetic condition. Hear how they grapple with the physical limitations and the hereditary implications that affect their family dynamics. Lisa McNees Richards