Highly Sensitive

It’s estimated that 15-20% of the population are HSPs (Highly Sensitive People). We’re not fussy, we’re not high maintenance, we’re not trying to be difficult. We do have sensory processing sensitivity (SPS), which is an “innate trait associated with greater sensitivity, or responsiveness, to environmental and social stimuli” according to Dr. Google.

My exquisite sensitivity is a real thing. Like, documented and explained by MRIs, research, and really smart people. And while 15-20% of the population isn’t much, I can know that I’m both rare and not alone.

I’m learning that certain aspects of the pandemic were good for me—being around fewer people, traveling less, heck, not even going to the grocery store as much (God bless Instacart). I’ve found it quite difficult to ease back into more “normal” life with traffic, dinner parties, people standing way too close in the check-out line…

I’m still in Hermit Mode more than anyone else I know. And being an HSP is a big reason why. I found this world overwhelming pre-pandemic. Yes, I found the retreat from people and “normal” life isolating, lonely, and maddening. But I also felt such relief. It was quiet. I didn’t have to process so much stuff.

I’m learning I don’t have to jump back into things that will overwhelm my nervous system, just because most other people are. Saying “no” is still my favorite thing, not because I don’t like people, but because I’m protecting myself. Some people think I’m “mysterious” because I rarely show up to things. I suppose I am.

Mostly, I’m just guarding my precious energy as I rebuild those social muscles and give myself a chance to acclimate to a hectic world again.

If you’re also a Highly Sensitive Person, I see you. I mean, not in person probably. But I see you. Don’t let anyone rush you to rejoin the Rat Race.

I can help people with sensory awareness. Highly sensitive individuals are more attuned to their environments and stressors, such as noise, lights, and scents. It's ok to ask people to speak quietly, to request shades to be drawn or lights to be lowered, or to ask someone to unplug a strongly-scented air freshener. I've done all of these things. It's hard to be at your best when your body feels under attack from sensory overload. 

If you’re an HSP, let’s find ways to celebrate that and make life a little easier. You are wired differently. Sharing your needs and standing up for yourself is empowering.


A Struggle Right Now